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Case Studies

Edon's Picks

Getting Ready for Summer

Preparing commercial buildings for summer is crucial to the comfort of occupants, energy efficiency, and…
Case Studies
Making a Case for Suburban Space
Edon's Picks
Waste Diversion
Case Studies
Using Water Wisely

Edon's Picks

June 4, 2024 in Edon's Picks, Office, Sustainability

Getting Ready for Summer

Preparing commercial buildings for summer is crucial to the comfort of occupants, energy efficiency, and addressing potential challenges associated with warmer weather. As temperatures rise, building managers take proactive steps…
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May 7, 2024 in Case Studies, Edon's Picks, Office

Making a Case for Suburban Space

In an era where urban centres have typically dominated commercial real estate, the strategic advantages of suburban spaces make a compelling alternative for businesses seeking dynamic locations. Edon's leasing opportunities…
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April 3, 2024 in Edon's Picks, People and Culture

Automating Commercial Property Management

Automation in commercial property management is transforming the way property managers handle daily tasks, improve efficiency, reduce costs, and support overall operations. Innovations in smart building technologies and software in…
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March 6, 2024 in Edon's Picks, People and Culture, Sustainability

Waste Diversion

Diverting waste materials away from landfills through recycling, composting, and other waste management measures helps us minimize the environmental impact of our daily operations. We've engaged Recycle Track Systems to…
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