Edon Protective Services Inc. came to fruition in response to several clients' assets and buildings requiring round-the-clock security services they can rely on.
Edon Protective Services Inc. provides safety and security for building tenants and owners. Over 50 team members perform stationary guard services, regular building walkthroughs, incident response, and reporting. As a licensed provider, Edon Protective Services is an integral operation supporting our own forces service delivery model.
Additionally, Edon’s Mobile Security Service is an initiative offering 24/7, 365 days per year protective and surveillance services. Our team is capable of responding to incidents involving anything from break-ins to mechanical failures.
One of the unique features of our mobile patrol service is offering automated GPS checkpoint locations during Team Members’ rounds. This could be various doorways, stairways, fence perimeters and any other points of emphasis or vulnerability at a property. Our Team Members access and complete the checkpoint via smartphone app software, and it records the date and time a checkpoint was surveyed in the event an incident occurs.
Types of Properties
Industrial Manufacturing
 Auto Manufacturing
Solutions + Services

Individually tailored Team Member deployment solutions to suit specific sites
 Real-time reporting on mobile patrol
Comprehensive site specific training
Edon Protective Services Inc. provides security coverage for both urban and rural sites throughout Alberta. As one of the few property and facility management firms in the province offering in-house security services with a portfolio of other own-force options, we aim to provide clients with worry free solutions for all areas of real estate.